Monday, March 2, 2009

New title

You will see I have adopted a new title for this blog. I suppose in some ways it's in honour of the fact that it's no longer a workshop-induced blog, but a personal one. The real explanation is that I'm not so good at coming up with titles, and I'm embarrassed to say it took me this long to come up with this (super-obvious, for me) one.

Some of you may know that the phrase above is the epigraph to E. M. Forster's novel, Howards End. The complete quote, which appears in Chapter 22, is "Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die."

I am a big Forster fan. I wrote my undergrad Honours thesis about him, but that's a whole other story about forging connections across cultural, religious, ethnic and social classes, and we don't have time for all that here. Suffice it to say that I will see this blog as a space for connections, mostly of the literary sort.

Since I'm hopped up on Advil Cold and Sinus, that's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good title! I'm a huge Forster fan too, Alex, but I'm not surprised to learn we have that in common as well. Hope you feel better soon - I'm off to read your thesis!
