Saturday, March 13, 2010

This started out about LibraryThing but ended up as stream-of-consciousness

Hooray! It's Saturday! Pajamas at 1 pm!

No, seriously, this week kicked my butt. It involved a LANCR meeting in which I had to agree to be president for another term (but I did recruit 3 more people to the executive!), I trained one teen volunteer and interviewed another, I doggedly inspected core picture books in English for our yearly replacement list, I cobbled together a scrapbooking program for March Break next week, I hung out at Main Library's Collection Development department doing my CD work (always cool to be with these people, in what I believe to be one of the best-run departments in the library, nay, in the city), and my Algonquin students learned about buying serials.

Highlights of the week: the home-based book club girls discussed The adoration of Jenna Fox (thought-provoking). One girl said this was her fav. book club pick - YAY! I also had a heart-breaking but heart-warming discussion with one girl and her mom about the recent death of the girl's father. I gave her my contact info and encouraged her to talk to me anytime. Like me, she's an introvert. I said to her mom, you must still be numb, and she said it's like a nuclear explosion has occurred. Then I went into the washroom and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I thought about where I've been and where I am, and I washed my hands, and I thought about who is or would be proud, and tried not to cry. On Friday, I attended my second Joint Professional Development Committee meeting (librarians across the OPL system) and not only survived without incident (last year was a lynching, and no, I don't want to talk about it. Amy blogged about this type of thing much better than I did. Or perhaps I'm just afraid of what I might say) but was inspired by a spoken word poet (stop. Watch this).

More on the general weirdness of this week next week, when I am actually allowed to talk about some stuff that happened. End results = good, but the winds of change blew westerly. That's all I can allude to now, dear readers!

I should absolutely not have whiled away the morning finishing The Hunger Games (amazing) reading my McGill SIS newsletter, starting Generation A (my first Coupland, I am ashamed to admit), and reading 200+ items in Google Reader. What was my point? Oh yes, I should be grading my student's assignments - they had to come up with a Collection development policy and build a selection list for a school library. I am behind, um, in the sense that I haven't started grading yet.

If you like me, are wasting time, I would recommend checking out the stats on LibraryThing, an excellent source of time-wasting, navel-gazing book geekiness.

I read 57.8% female and 42.2% male authors, of whom 81% are still alive (the latter surprises me, actually; I would have said more had kicked it). I also find the Vous et nul autre list interesting, not to mention charmingly-named.

Okay, okay, okay. Red pen, here I come....

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